EEE 151 Experiment 2

Experiment 2 General Instructions

Updated version

EEE 151 Experiment 2 Lab Report Guide

Compile your data for k = 1,2,5 and the integrator in one table.
Plot your results in one graph.  The results should be easily distinguished from the others.
Plot temperature vs. time and error vs. time.
Tabulate the steady-state errors for each case.

Make a theoretical analysis of the experiment.  Clearly show your analysis.
What are the step responses?  Plot them.
What are the steady-state errors as computed.
Compare your analytical results with the data gathered from the experiment.
For each k, plot the actual result and the theoretical step response in one graph.  Compare steady-state errors.

For the integrator, plot the actual result and the theoretical step response in one graph.  Compare steady-state errors.
Make your conclusions.
Include in the appendix a clear schematics of the circuit you used for each case.
Failure to substantially comply with the above requirements would mean a grade of zero.

To submit your lab report, 
1. Export your lab report document to a pdf file named lastname1_lastname2_e2.pdf.
2. Email the file as an attachment to with the subject "EEE 151 experiment 2."