Course description :
Classical concepts of continuous-time feedback system modeling, analysis and compensation techniques. Stability of feedback systems using root-locus, Bode diagrams and Nyquist plots. Introduction to computer-aided design tools for control systems. Prerequisite : EE 35
At the end of this course, the student should be able :
To construct a mathematical model, block diagram and signal flow graph
for a physical lumped parameter system. To derive a linear time-invariant
mathematical model from a mathematical model. To perform stability
and sensitivity analysis on systems, design cascade and feedforward compensators
to meet transient and frequency response specifications. To use computer-aided
control tools to verify root locus, transient and frequency response characteristics
of a system.
Dorf and Bishop. Modern Control Systems, 8th edition. Addison-Wesley.
B.C. Kuo. Automatic Control Systems, 5th edition.
D'Azzo and Houpis. Linear Control System Analysis and Design
Conventional and Modern, 3rd edition.
R.C. Dorf. Modern Control Systems, 6th edition.
Shahian and Rasul. Control System Design Using Matlab.
1 Long exam 50 %
2 (or 3) Laboratory exercises 30 %
Homeworks and quizzes 20 %
92 - 100 1.0
88 - < 92 1.25
84 - < 88 1.5
80 - < 84 1.75
76 - < 80 2.0
72 - < 76 2.25
68 - < 72 2.5
64 - < 68 2.75
60 - < 64 3.0
< 60
1. Introduction, Class Policies, Grading, References
2. Introduction to Control Theory
What is control systems theory?
Motivation for control.
Examples of control systems.
Basic feedback system.
Why feedback?
3. Closed-loop Systems
Open-loop vs. closed-loop.
Advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop system.
Control system design overview.
4. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems
Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems.
What is a model? What is a dynamic system?
Systems we will be looking at.
electrical systems
mechanical systems (translational and rotational)
electromechanical systems
thermal systems and liquid-level systems
5. LTI systems and Differential Equations
Differential equations.
Linear time-invariant systems.
State-space representation.
6. Laplace Transforms and Octave
Laplace transform.
Forcing functions.
Familiarization with Octave
7. Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions
block diagramsblock diagram transformations
transfer function
8. SFG and Mason Gain Rule
Comparison of block diagrams and SFGs.
SFG transformations.
Mason gain rule.
9. General Control Systems
Some more about transfer functions.
General control system, definitions and objectives.
LTI response to forcing functions.
10. LTI Steady-state Response
System type.
Steady-state error.
11. Time Domain Specifications
Pole position and time domain relationships
Typical time domain specifications
First-order systems
Second-order systems
12. Performance Specifications
Continue investigating performance specifications.
Time domain exercises for second-order systems.
Characteristic equation.
Dominant poles and design issues.
13. Stability
Different aspects of stability.
BIBO and BIBS stability
Pole locations and stability
14. Routh-Hurwitz Stability Test
Hurwitz determinants
Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion
Why do you want to use Routh-Hurwitz stability test?
Some examples and issues on using R-H stability test.15. Root Locus Basics
Basic properties
Root locus construction
start : k = 0
end : k = ∞
number of branches
real axis
breakaway points
16. Advanced Root Locus
Effect of adding poles and zeros.
Root contour.
Time delay.
Root sensitivity.
17. PID Controller
Proportional control
PD control
PID control
18. Introduction to Frequency Response
LTI Response to a sinusoid.
Magnitude and phase responses.
Frequency response of first and second order systems.
Polar plots.
19. Bode Plots
Charateristics of Bode plots
Standard Bode plots
Asymptotic plots
20. Bode Plots and Transfer Functions
Review of standard Bode plots.
Building an asymptotic Bode plot.
Identifying a transfer function from a Bode plot.
21. Compensation Using Bode Plots
Why use Bode plots to identify transfer functions?
Performance parameters in the frequency domain.
Compensation techniques.
Interpreting Bode plots.
22. Frequency Response Methods : Stability
Why study in terms of frequency response?
Contour mapping in the complex plane.
Cauchy’s theorems.
Nyquist stability criterion.
23. Nyquist Diagrams, Gain Margins
Practical aspects of using the Nyquist stability criterion.
Examples on Nyquist stability criterion.
Gain margin.
24. Nyquist Diagrams and Phase Margins
Review of gain margin.
Phase margin.
Remarks about gain margin and phase margin.
Put it all together.
25. Lab experiment 1. Modeling of a heater system
Plant construction
Temperature sampling
Model fitting
Model verification
26. Lab experiment 2. Steady-state responses of Different Controllers
Closed-loop control
Construction of proportional and integral controllers
Temperature sampling
Comparison of theoretical and actual responses.
27. Lab experiment 3. PID control
Design of a PID controller to meet specifications
PID controller construction