EE 237 Advanced Robotics

Course description
Course objectives
Text / References
Grading scale
Course outline

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Course description :
Dynamical models for manipulator in Lagrange and Newton-Euler formulations.  Controller design based on manipulator dynamics.
PID-controllers, eigenvalue assignment and adaptive self-tuning control.  Controllers for compliant motion.

Course objectives :

To familiarize students whit the various control algorithms for robotic manipulator control.  Design of deterministic
and adaptive controllers, and gross and fine motion controllers. Verify the controller design by simulations.

Text :

Any text on robotics and manipulators

References :

John J. Craig.  Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control, 2nd edition.
Any book / text on robotics and manipulators.

Grading :

2 long exams 100 %

Grading scale :

92 -  100    1.0
88 - < 92    1.25
84 - < 88    1.5
80 - < 84    1.75
76 - < 80    2.0
72 - < 76    2.25
68 - < 72    2.5
64 - < 68    2.75
60 - < 64    3.0
< 60           5.0

Course outline :

I.  Class policies
    A. Class requirements / expectations
    B. Possible class projects

II.  Dynamic models for manipulator motion
    A. Lagrange's formulation
    B. Newton-Euler formulation
    C. State variable representation

III.  Primary and secondary controller desing for gross motion
    A. Desired trajectory generation
    B. Design specifications
    C. Controller design by eigenvalue assignment
    D. Optimal controller for manipulators

IV.  Adaptive control of manipulator gross motion
    A. Self-tuning controller design by minimizing a performance criterion
    B. Manipulator control using model reference adaptive contollers

V.  Compliant motion control
    A. Modeling and control of end-effector forces
    B. PID-controllers for position, velocity and force control
    C. Adaptive position, velocity and force control

VI.  Other topics
    A. Coordinated multiple manipulators
    B. Non-rigid manipulators
    C. Redundant and underactuated manipulators