Course description :
Definition of robots and manipulators. Different transformations involve in the study of manipulators. Discussion of the key areas concerning robotics : kinematics and dynamics. Trajectory planning.
Learn common terms found in robotic literature. Kinematic and dynamic analysis of robotic manipulators. Simple motion planning. Appreciation for the science and art of robotics.
John J. Craig. Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control,
2nd edition.
Any book / text on robotics and manipulators.
1 long exam 30 %
Projects / Homeworks
70 %
92 - 100 1.0
88 - < 92 1.25
84 - < 88 1.5
80 - < 84 1.75
76 - < 80 2.0
72 - < 76 2.25
68 - < 72 2.5
64 - < 68 2.75
60 - < 64 3.0
< 60
I. Introduction
A. What is a robot?
B. Application of robots
C. Types of manipulators
D. Parts and components of a robotic system
E. Overview
II. Spatial transformations
A. Position, orientation and frames
B. Mapping from frame to frame
C. Translation, rotation and transformation
D. Transform arithmetic and equations
III. Manipulator kinematics
A. What is kinematics?
B. Link and joint description
C. Affixing coordinate frames
D. Coordinate transformations
E. Examples (Planar / Spatial)
F. Standard frame names
IV. Inverse kinematics
A. Solvability issues
B. Geometric solution
C. Algebraic solution
V. Generalized velocity and torque relations
A. Velocity and acceleration in coordinate systems
B. Velocity transformation
C. Force transformation
VI. Manipulator dynamics
A. Euler-Lagrange equations
B. Newton-Euler equations (optional)
VII. Trajectory Planning
A. Formulation of the planning problem
B. Desired trajectory specifications
Long exam
Tentative projects :
A. Forward and inverse kinematics
B. Dynamical equations and motion simulation
C. End-effector positioning