EE 233 Laboratory Exercise 01 A leaky integrator equation is a specific differential equation, used to describe a component or system that takes the integral of an input, but gradually leaks a small amount of input over time. It appears commonly in electronics, and hydraulics. The continuous-time representation is the differential equation of the form dx/dt + Ax = C In discrete-time, a leaky integrator is defined by the difference equation y[k] = ay[k - 1] + T x[k], where is typically 0 < a < 1. An integrator that does not leak has a = 1. The system is stable for -1 < a < 1. 1. Plot the step response of the discrete-time version of the integrator for values a from 0 to 1 in increments of 0.2. Plot the step response of the system for values of a from -1 to 0 in increments of 0.5. Use T = 0.1 sec. 2. Plot the response of the system with the input being a sine wave and a = 0.9. Use a sine wave of frequency 1 rad/sec. Use sampling periods T = 0.1, 0.5, 1 sec.