EE 231
Advance Feedback Control Systems

Course description :

Transfer functions. Block diagrams. Signal flow graphs. Root locus,Bode, Nyquist and polar plots. Sensitivity. Stability. Compensation techniques. Multivariable systems. Disturbance rejection. Robust control. Adaptive control. State-variable representation and feedback. State-space design. Optimal control, computer simulations. Design projects

Prerequisite : EEE 147 Signals and Systems, ES 101 Mechanics of Particles and Rigid Bodies

Course objectives :

At the end of this course, the student should be able :
To construct a mathematical model, block diagram and signal flow graph for physical systems. To perform stability and sensitivity analysis on systems, design cascade and feedforward compensators to meet transient and frequency response specifications using root locus, Bode and Nyquist plots. To explain key concepts in multivariable control, robust control, adaptive control and quadratice optimal control. To use computer-aided control tools to verify root locus, transient and frequency response characteristics of a system.

Text :

Ogata. Modern Control Engineering, any edition, Prentice Hall.

References :

B.C. Kuo.  Automatic Control Systems, 5th edition.
D'Azzo and Houpis.  Linear Control System Analysis and Design :
Conventional and Modern, 3rd edition.
R.C. Dorf.  Modern Control Systems, 6th edition.
Shahian and Rasul.  Control System Design Using Matlab.

Grading :

2 Long exams 50 %
2 (or 3) Laboratory exercises 30 %
Homeworks  20 %

Grading scale :

92 -  100    1.0
88 - < 92    1.25
84 - < 88    1.5
80 - < 84    1.75
76 - < 80    2.0
72 - < 76    2.25
68 - < 72    2.5
64 - < 68    2.75
60 - < 64    3.0
< 60           5.0

Course outline :

1. Introduction, Class Policies, Grading, References

2. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems

3. LTI systems, Differential Equations, Laplace Transforms

4. Block Diagrams and Transfer Functions

5. SFG and Mason Gain Rule

6. General Control Systems

7. LTI Steady-state Response

8. Time Domain Specifications

9. Performance Specifications

10. Stability

11. Root Locus Basics

12. Advanced Root Locus

13. PID Controller

14. Introduction to Frequency Response

15. Bode Plots

16. Bode Plots and Transfer Functions

17. Compensation Using Bode Plots

18. Frequency Response Methods : Stability

19. Nyquist Diagrams, Gain Margins

20. Nyquist Diagrams and Phase Margins

21. Multivariable Control.

22. Robust Control

23. Adaptive Control

24. Quadratic Optimal Control