EE 231 Laboratory Exercise 02

If you correctly identified the system given in lab 01, 
then your identified system transfer function should be
similar to
G(s) =  -----------------
        s^2 + b1*s + b0 

where k, b1 and b2 are as specified in the lab 02 announcement email.

Now assuming that you have a plant with transfer function G(s),
design an appropriate PID controller system such that
the following specifications are met by the closed-loop system.

1. Steady-state output is 1.2.
2. Critically damped.
3. Settling time is 4% to 10% of the plant settling time.
4. Overshoot is 25% to 33% of the plant overshoot.
5. Minimal implementation (use only absolutely necessary PID terms).

You should clearly discuss your procedure on how your
design would meet the above requirements.  
Your discussion should be based on concepts you learned in class.  
Although there is some flexibility in your final design, 
your discussion should describe a logical process.  
Steps which are arbitrary and relying on guess work should be avoided 
unless an equivalent logical solution would be extremely difficult to obtain.

Your proposed closed-loop system block diagram,
closed-loop system transfer function,
the closed-loop step response along with 
measurements of settling time and overshoot 
should be clearly evident in your report.