Academic Integrity It is expected that members of the academic community adhere to the highest standards of intellectual honesty and integrity. Action(s) that may unfairly affect a student's grade on creditable items such as but not limited to 1. Homeworks 2. Quizzes 3. Reports 4. Examinations will not be taken lightly. Some examples of such actions are 1. Copying or enabling the act of copying any creditable work, 2. Using unauthorized materials or devices during an exam, 3. Working before the official start and beyond the official end of an exam, 4. Submitting for regrade any work that has been modified since it was last submitted, 5. Submitting homework that is not your own work, and 6. Representing the work of others as your own. At the professor's sole discretion, any act of dishonesty will receive either a zero for the said work and/or a failure in the course. An incident report will similarly be sent to the dean of the college. Consult the University's Student Code of Conduct for additional corrective measures that the university may impose for dishonest behavior. As students of the University, you are expected to be aware of your actions and its implications. If you are in doubt as to the integrity of any planned action, please consult the professor directly. Although standard dictionary definitions of terms such as dishonesty, integrity, plagiarism and cheating do apply, others may have a different interpretation of these terms or others may have a different standard for academic integrity. Please consult the professor directly for clarifications if you find any conflict(s) with what you practice or what others practice.