Home Page of Manuel Ramos, Jr.

Contact Information

Post :   Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
            University of the Philippines
            Diliman, Quezon City
            Philippines 1101

Voice :    (632) 9252957
Fax :       (632) 9252957
Email :    manuel@eee.upd.edu.ph

Adventures in Teaching

EEE 151
Analog and Digital Control

EEE 101
Control Systems Theory

EE 236
Principles of Robotics

EE 212
Linear System Theory

EE 231
Advance Feedback Control Systems

EE 233
Digital Control Systems Design

EE 237
Advanced Robotics

EE 296

CS 21
Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming

EEE 100
Electronic Circuits Prototyping Laboratory

EEE 33
Electric Circuit Theory

EEE 31
Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Consultation hours

RAL Application

Application form